Jurassic Domination: worth the cost?

Jurassic World Dominion was only released a year ago, so it is not remarkable that The Asylum produced a mockbuster in the span of a weekend. They also branded with a D word that is sufficiently similar to the original, and supplied cheap Disc cases across the country. The artwork on the cover of Jurassic Domination is pretty interesting and depicts a scene that's not too dissimilar from the storyline of the Decker Shado film reactions film when allowed as much room for artistic expression and more freedom in presentation as is possible.

However, Dinosaur Domination is not even close to being as impressive as the artwork makes it seem. The set isn't very diverse even (blog post) for Asylum films. And the dinosaurs that are on display are so rarely used (click now to see updates) that it's disturbing. The most difficult part of trying to grasp the structure of the story is the one that is the most difficult.

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